Wednesday, July 23, 2008

To all who come to this happy place...welcome!

Hello everyone, and welcome to my very first post!

(Pretty special, isn't it?)

Before we get down to business, I'd like to introduce myself:

I'm Tina, and this is my dear hubby Ryan:
(Sorry ladies, he's taken)

Together we conquer all sorts of things- finding creative ways to budget, traveling, and throwing lots of parties for not lots of money (a.k.a Ballin' on a Budget). We definitely have a wonderful life. And speaking of wonderful, allow me to introduce our three wonderful children:

and of course, Gabriella (a.k.a. Gabby)

I'm still learning how to use this thing, and amazingly its very user friendly. I've figured out how to do everything all by myself so far. I've become really lazy with technology since I married Ryan, who is an IT director and, unlike myself, smarter than the computer.

Tomorrow we'll get down to business, but right now I've got to take Gabby out before she poops in Ryan's office (I'm sure this will come up later).

So, it's a pleasure to meet you all, and don't forget to vote on my dinosaur poll. It's for a research project.

PS- Brownie points for anyone who knows what the title of my blog refers to.

PSS- Nevermind. You're all going to cheat and google it.

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